A Celebration of Gregorian Chant - 4 Compact Disc Set
Year: 1995 | Format: Audio CD | Lossless FLAC | ASIN: B0000252TU | Duration: 3 hrs, 51 mins | 1,13 GB
Author: Various (Artists) | Genre: relaxing music/meditative
Year: 1995 | Format: Audio CD | Lossless FLAC | ASIN: B0000252TU | Duration: 3 hrs, 51 mins | 1,13 GB
Author: Various (Artists) | Genre: relaxing music/meditative
Gregorian Chant: Celebration
uitgevoerd door de Shola Gregoriana - [Gregorian Chant: Celebration #01] "Sabbato ad Vesperas" Hymnus Magnificat 12.58
uitgevoerd door de Shola Gregoriana - [Gregorian Chant: Celebration #02] Lliturgisch drama" 27.32
Gregorian Chant: Reflections
Cantores Chorales Capellae Sancti Casimiri, Vilnius - [Gregorian Chant: Reflections #01] S. Felix: Introitus "Os Justi" 14.46
Gloriae Dei Cantores, Massachusetts, The - [Gregorian Chant: Reflections #02] S. Laurentius: Introitus "Confessio" Graduale "Probasti" 14.28
I Cantori Gregoriani Di Milano - [Gregorian Chant: Reflections #03] S. Stephanus: Responsorium "Stola jucundatis" 17.53
Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, The - [Gregorian Chant: Reflections #04] SS. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael "Graduale "Benedicte Dominum" 11.39
The Chant of the Monk
Gregoriaans Koor Cum Jublio - Watou - [The Chant of the Monk #01] Nativitas S. Joannis Baptistae 10.07
Schola Cantorum Achel - [The Chant of the Monk #02] S. Andreas 6.07
Laudate Dominum - Kortrijk - [The Chant of the Monk #03] SS. Simon et Judas 6.36
Cantando - Roeselare - [The Chant of the Monk #04] S. Agatha 7.35
Gregoriaans Koor van Leuven - [The Chant of the Monk #05] SS. Innocentes 13.43
Gregoriaans abdijkoor van Grimbergen - [The Chant of the Monk #06] S. Cornelius et Cyprianus 9.06
The Peace of Gregorian Chant
Choristers of Westminster Cathedral, London, The - [The Peace of Gregorian Chant #01] SS. Petrus en Paulus 18.44
Het Gregoriaans Koor van Pusan - [The Peace of Gregorian Chant #02] SS. Philippus et Jacobus 16.21
Schola Cantorum Amsterdam - [The Peace of Gregorian Chant #03] Nativas S. Joannis Baptistae 10.00
Ch?ur gregorien de Paris - [The Peace of Gregorian Chant #04] S. Caecilia 13.00
Liturgischer Singkreis Jena - [The Peace of Gregorian Chant #05] SS. Petrus et Paulus 21.03
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