Don H. Polston, “Be More Than You Are . . . It’s Possible”
2010 | ISBN-10: 0557592976 | 164 pages | EPUB | 0,2 MB
Everyone wants something. No matter what it is, you want something: money, peace, love, service to others, a happy marriage, a job, security, or a better home. Dissatisfaction in any of these areas is part of the necessary urge to get what you want. And the greatest secret to getting what you need is the courage to be more than you are. You don’t need to know all the answers to all the problems of the world. You must know your own problem first, and then you can solve it. It’s the person who keeps solving his problems day by day who finally arrives at his destination. Here’s hoping that, as you read this book, your world will be greater than it is because you are becoming more than you are. You could change your world today if you really think you should. Happy changing to you as you become more than you are! Don H. Polston
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